
a blog.

I've never written a blog. Read some, perhaps, but I've never taken the time to truly sit down and pound out my thoughts through the keys on a keyboard. I suppose this will be a place where I can talk about my life and you can read about it. I'm not big on writing. For example, I hate papers, essays, and personal statements. I wish they could all go away. Do they really care what I have to think?

I'm not even sure what to talk about in this blog. It's not like my life is a particularly interesting one. I'm currently caught in a battle between high school and college. I never thought schooling would end as fast as it really did, and now it has me stumped. I made the silly mistake of not applying to colleges I should have. Today I won a scholarship. One of two out of ninety applicants. I'm pretty proud, I suppose. When the lady was talking to me about my future plans I wasn't exactly sure what to tell her, as I'm not too sure myself, even. What if I get to college and decide that I absolutely hate what I'm going into and the credits don't transfer? I worry too much. That's another thing.

I don't think I really want to ramble on anymore. Perhaps I'll post tomorrow.